SAWMH Sports Meeting 2014
Dr Macgroarty was asked to attend as faculty at the SAWMH Sports Meeting held at the Brisbane Hilton Hotel on 23 August 2014.
Dr Macgroarty shared his current experience with a new hamstring sparing technique for ACL Reconstruction. The new short graft technique has been shown in the literature to be comparable to current hamstring techniques for ACL reconstruction whilst showing several key advantages.
The advantages include:
hamstring sparing: – less risk of post-operative hamstring strain / better hamstring strength post op / possibly better proprioception for early rehab / maintenance of secondary postero-medial stabilisers / increased options for revision surgery if necessary
thicker graft size:- far fewer grafts less than 8mm which has been proven to reduce re-rupture rate and improve pt perceived outcomes
less post-operative pain:- hand reaming tunnels decreases bone oedema which can contribute to early post-op pain
Dr Macgroarty also discussed the current indications in his practice for antero-lateral ligament reconstruction to augment ACL reconstruction.
The session was rounded off with a discussion of the Congruent arc Laterjet procedure and it’s role in contact athletes following shoulder dislocations and instability.